The Imagination Redeemed 2021: Online Experience

It's always hard to have to limit the number of tickets available for the Anselm Society's annual Imagination Redeemed Conference. We want everyone to come!

But unfortunately — despite what quantum mechanics might suggest—objective reality exists and there truly were only so many chairs that can fit into the beautiful Great Hall in Glen Eyrie Castle. Thus only 200 lucky participants could attend this year's “Finding Yourself in the Great Story” event in person Sept. 24-25, 2021.

But unwilling to admit defeat, the leaders of the Anselm Society created a parallel universe for those unfortunates who were not be in one of those actual seats!

The Imagination Redeemed 2021: Online Experience will be available on demand Oct. 24-31.

What is it? The Online Experience is a virtual event comprised of the recorded sessions from the live event, interactive QAs with speakers, new bonus sessions available only to online participants, and a chance to connect with like-minded people all over the world!

For $49, you'll be able to watch — more than once! —  the main sessions of the 2021 conference. (Descriptions can be found here.) And you'll be able to enjoy specially created material that all those brick-and-mortar-bound souls didn't get to enjoy! (The schedule will be posted soon.)

For all of you who were able to attend the Imagination Redeemed Conference in person, you know how rich the event was, with insightful thought after memorable quote after eye-opening epiphany. You’ll want to take advantage of access to the conference content and relive the rich weekend of Sept. 24-25, 2021.

Tickets may be purchased here: