How do you write fantasy without just trying to write another Lord of the Rings? How did Tolkien's faith (and particularly his Catholicism) inform his approach to writing? What did his home life look like? What were his views on women, anyway? With the help of a live Zoom audience, Brian interviews Word on Fire scholar and (forthcoming) Tolkien biographer Holly Ordway.

Redeemed Imagination Podcast

A podcast for reenchanting the church. Join the Anselm Society leadership for deep yet practical conversations about the church, the arts, and bringing them back together.

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Read More from the Centric Genius series

The modern romantic ideal of the artist is the eccentric genius; a loner, an outcast, different from everyone else. But no Christian exempted from the call to love his neighbor. This series explores the ingredients and avenues with which artist Christian can be a thriving part of the Body of Christ. View the whole series.