Saddest Sound is a song I wrote when a good friend died and I was wrestling with his wife's sorrow as well as my own.

About the Artist

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Heidi began creating music at the age of five, plucking out melodies on an old tattered piano. She has been writing, singing and wrestling her way through life ever since. She is the one trying to pay attention; daring to believe her voice matters. She is a composer, counselor and contemplative. She is a mercy heart with a fire to see the redemption of all things. She is the one digging up beauty in the black earth of pain, mystery, loss and limitations. Heidi has fought hard to find grace and God amidst, an ongoing battle with chronic pain, personal dark nights of the soul, the sleep-deprived days-weeks-months and years of new mommy-hood and the aches of everyday life.

Heidi has recorded two original albums, is worship leader and therapist. Today, you will find her trying to record song ideas into her voice mailbox while chasing around two little energetic sweethearts.

You can purchase more of her music here:


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